A recent joint study by Google and National Association of Realtor, will help you to understand Realtor’s market, which is the home shoppers and home buyers. As a real estate agent, you have to know what your potential clients are doing for home searching? what sources and tools they usually use? when they will want […]
It is obvious that today’s buyers must search online before buying most things online or in the local store. When it comes to home shopping, do home buyers reply on online search before making their decision? Recent survey conducted by Google and NAR collaborated to uncover trends and insights around digital media usage among home […]
Marketing is a dynamic field which undergoes constant changes and innovations. There are a number of marketing strategies that you can apply to reach your product to your target customers. But the newest development in this field is local mobile marketing. This is a process in which you can take the help of the local […]
[toggle title=”click here for video script”] 大家好,这是我们公司关于网络营销系列讲座之二。今天我们的题目是:内容,contents,以及内容创作,content creation。 今日讲座内容包括以下四个方面: 1. 什么是content 2. 为什么我们每个生意都需要content 3. 我们可以创作哪些content 4. 哪里寻找资源来创作content 首先我们来聊聊什么是content。 Content,内容,不局限于通常理解的文字内容。它是任何用来表达和交流你的思想,办法和知识等的媒介,包括文字,图像,视频,声音,图表,还有应用程序等。它可以是任何一种形式。Create Content 就是一种创作,其是我们每天都在做的事情。 那么,为什么我们需要content? 因为刚才提到了content就是用于表达和交流的媒介,从business的角度来说,我们用content就是为了一,同你的听众交流,目的是说服他们某一天成为你的客户。二,同搜索引擎交流,目的是“说服”它们把你的网站排名靠前。无论何种目的,我们都需要通过各种content同外交流。 关于如何让搜索引擎排名你的网站,我上期讲座《本地生意和网络推广》里有详细说明。 需要创作些什么content内容来达到我们的目的呢? 说到这里,我们来看一个三个圈示意图。 这就是三圈刺猬原理,three circles of hedgehog principle。这三个圈有各自含义: 第一,What are you deeply passionate about? 什么让你产生深深的激情? 第二,What can you be the best in the world at? 在那方面你能成为世界上最好的吗? 第三,What drives your economic engine? 什么能驱动你的经纪引擎? […]